1st Repetitive General Meeting

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Press Release

1st Repetitive General Meeting

9 June 2017 - HELLENIC EXCHANGES-ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE S.A. announces that today, the 1st Repetitive General Meeting of shareholders of the Company was held in the "HERMES" hall at the offices of the Company. Shareholders representing 39,601,442 common registered shares and voting rights, i.e. 60.6% of the 65,368,563 total common registered shares participated, not counting the 5,020,563 shares in treasury stock.

The General Meeting discussed and unanimously took the following decisions on the items of the Daily Agenda:

·         On the first (1st) item of the Daily Agenda, shareholders approved the reduction of the share capital by €15,688,455.12, through a reduction in the par value of each share by €0.24 and payment of this amount to shareholders, and amend Article 5 of the Articles of Association of the Company concerning the share capital.

It should be noted that the abovementioned amount per share that will be paid to shareholders will be increased by the capital return corresponding to 5,020,563 treasury stock possessed by the company and will amount to €0.2599 per share.

Furthermore, the General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to set the ex-date for the right to the share capital return of the Company, the record date for determining the beneficiaries and the payment date for the share capital return.

The Company will inform investors about the ex-date and the record date of the share capital return (special dividend) with a new announcement.

·         On the second (2nd) item of the Daily Agenda, shareholders approved the reduction of the share capital by €4,006,432.92 through a reduction in the number of shares outstanding from 65,368,563 to 60,599,000 common registered shares, due to the cancellation of 4,769,563 shares in treasury stock, and amend Article 5 of the Articles of Association of the Company concerning the share capital.

The Company will inform investors about the cancellation date of the treasury stock with a new announcement.