Announcement - Board of Directors

Friday, March 9, 2018



Board of Directors


Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (Eurobank or Bank) announces that its Board of Directors (BoD) at its meeting on March 9th, 2018, having determined that the Bank is no longer subject to the provisions of the Greek Economy Liquidity Support Program under L.3723/2008 and therefore the Greek State's right to participate, through its representative, in the Bank's BoD has ceased to exist, decided that Ms. Androniki Boumi, who has been appointed representative of the Greek State in Eurobank's BoD according to the provisions of L.3723/2008, shall remain in the Banks' BoD and after her cessation as representative of the Greek State, as non-executive member, until the expiration of tenure of the current BoD.


The appointment of Ms. A. Boumi under her new capacity in the Bank's BoD will be announced according to the law at the next General Meeting of the shareholders of the Bank, while her evaluation by the Single Supervisory Mechanism of the European Central Bank, in accordance with the applicable legislative and regulatory framework, is already in progress since her integration into the Bank's BoD under her prior capacity, that of the representative of the Greek State.


Subsequently, the BoD decided its constitution as a body as follows:


  1. Nikolaos V. Karamouzis, Chairman, non-executive director
  2. Fokion Ch. Karavias, Chief Executive Officer, executive director
  3. Stavros E. Ioannou, Deputy Chief Executive Officer,  executive director
  4. Theodoros A. Kalantonis, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, executive director
  5. Richard P. Boucher, independent non-executive director
  6. Stephen L. Johnson, independent non-executive director
  7. Bradley Paul L. Martin, independent non-executive director
  8. Jawaid A. Mirza, independent non-executive director
  9. George E. Myhal, independent non-executive director
  10. Lucrezia Reichlin, independent non-executive director
  11. Androniki E. Boumi, non-executive director
  12. George K. Chryssikos, non-executive director
  13. Aikaterini K. Beritsi, Representative of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund under L.3864/2010, non-executive director.