Announcement according to the Law 3556/2007

I.Kloukinas-I .Lappas SA announces:


Pursuant to Law 3556/2007 in combination with article 11 of  Decision 1/434/03/07/07 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission:


(a) Mrs Violetta Lappa , Εxecutive member of the BoD , acquired on 10/12/2015 84.000 ordinary shares of total value  euro 25.200 , through OTC transaction due to donation .The company  has been  informed by Mrs Violetta Lappa according to the  Law 3340/2005 (art.13)


(b) Mrs Mary Lappa , Non Εxecutive member of the BoD , acquired on 10/12/2015 84.000 ordinary shares of total value euro 25.200 , through OTC transaction due to donation .The company  has been  informed by Mrs Mary Lappa according to the  Law 3340/2005 (art.13)