Resolutions of the postponement Annual General Shareholders Meeting of 08.07.2016

Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. announces that on 8 July 2016 took place the continuation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in Warehouse D ' A' Pier of the port , for the discussion of the sixth item " Election of new Board members in replacement of resigned members ' whose discussion was postponed after the HRADF request  at the Annual General Meeting of THPA SA shareholders on 10.06.2016 .


At the continuation of the Annual General Meeting of July 8, 2016 , was attended in conformity by 9 shareholders, attending either in person or by proxy and representing 7.946.966 shares, i.e. 78,8389% of the Companys paid-up share capital and which after legal voting, discussed and discussed and approved:


  • the election of Mr. Aggelou Vlachou, Mr. Panagioti Kardara and Mr. Dimitriou Bika as a new members of the Board of Directors - during the Board Meetings 6278 dated 01.07.15 and 6378 dated 23.10.15- in replacement of the resigned members Mr. Alexandrou Chlorou, Mr Anastasiou Kardara and Mr George Lazaridi.
  • the appointment of Mr. Konstantinos Karoulis (Proxy of the Economic and Social Council) as independent non- executive member of the Board. 
  • the election as a new member of the Board Mr . Routo Dimitrio ,term of office ends 12.5.2020
  • the appointment of Mr.Dimitriou Routou and Mr. George Tozidi as independent non -executive members of the Board.
  • the appointment of the members of the Audit Committee according to the provisions of L.3693 / 2008 as follows:

-          Dimitrio Routo, independent non -executive member

-          George Tozidi, independent non -executive member

-          George Dimarelos, independent non -executive member


The voting results on the 6th  item were as follows:          

Number of shares for valid votes given 7.860.378 (77,9799% of the share capital with voting rights), out of which:

-          For: 7.509.594

-          Against: 350.784

-          Abstain: 86.588