Resolutions of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of 10.6.2016
Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. announces the voting results during the Annual General Meeting of the Companys Shareholders that was held on 10th June 2016 at the Warehouse D, 1st Port Pier where was attended in conformity by 13 shareholders, attending either in person or by proxy and representing 8.058.979 shares, i.e. 79,9502% of the Companys paid-up share capital, as follows:
1. Approved the Annual Financial Statements for the 16th fiscal year (01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015), accompanied by the annual Management Report by the Board of Directors, the Independent Auditors Report and the Corporate Governance Statement.The voting results on the 1st item were as follows:
- Number of shares for valid votes given 8.055.860 (79,9192% of the share capital with voting rights), out of which:
- For: 8.055.860
- Against: 0
- Abstain: 3.119
2.Approved the distribution of dividend to the companys Shareholders which amounts to 0,58 euro per share, which dividend is subject to 10% withholding tax, and therefore the net final amount payable will be 0,522 euro per share. The Ex-dividend date was set for 18th July 2016, the Dividend beneficiaries "Record date" was set for 19th July 2016 and the dividend shall be paid on 22th July 2016. The voting results on the 2nd item were as follows:
- Number of shares for valid votes given 8.055.860 (79,9192% of the share capital with voting rights), out of which:
- For: 8.053.160
- Against: 2.700
- Abstain: 3.119
3. Approved the release of the Board of Directors members and of the Companys Independent Auditors from any and all liability regarding the proceedings of the Companys 16th fiscal year. The voting results on the 3rd item were as follows:
- Number of shares for valid votes given 8.055.860 (79,9192% of the share capital with voting rights), out of which:
- For: 8.055.860
- Against: 0
- Abstain: 3.119
4. Approved the assignment of the Companys regular audit for the current accounting period to the auditing firm “ERNST & YOUNG (GREECE) CHARTERED AUDITORS – ACCOUNTANTS S.A.” having its registered office in Athens, 11th kl.Athens–Lamia national road 14451, Metamorfosi, with Company ICPA Reg. No. 107. The voting results on the 4th item were as follows:
- Number of shares for valid votes given 7.969.272 (79,0602% of the share capital with voting rights), out of which:
- For: 7.605.060
- Against: 364.212
- Abstain: 89.707
5. Approved the fees – remunerations paid to BoD members of the fiscal year 2015, and pre-approved their fees - remunerations that will paid during the next fiscal year.The voting results on the 5th item were as follows:
- Number of shares for valid votes given 7.969.272 (79,0602% of the share capital with voting rights), out of which:
- For: 7.605.060
- Against: 364.212
- Abstain: 89.707
6.HRADF proposed according to Codified Law 2190/1920 as in force, item 6 of the agenda to be postponed and by 8.055.860 valid votes representing 79,9192% of the paid-up share capital, and approved, the decision on item 6 of the Agenda concerning- Election of new Board members- to be taken on July 08, 2016 at the Warehouse D, 1st Port Pier 13:00 .
7. Approved the expenditure
- For the studies relating to the completion of the project " Vertical axis 56th Egnatia Odos : Completion work connection of the sixth pier of the Thessaloniki with highway of Pathe and Egnatia Odos " in the amount of ¤ 400,000 when they are contracted .
- The payment of the cost of management studies by the company " Egnatia Odos SA" of 10% of the remuneration of the studies.
- For the reconstruction of the building of Apentomotiriou for creating Infrastructure Phyto - sanitary control in port of Thessaloniki , in order to ensure the accreditation of THPA as Designated Port Entry and to ensure the optimal public health. The voting results on the 7th item were as follows:
- Number of shares for valid votes given 7.969.272 (79,0602% of the share capital with voting rights), out of which:
- For: 7.544.743
- Against: 424.529
- Abstain: 89.707
8. Announcements
HRADF approved the election of Mr. Aggelou Vlachou, Mr. Panagioti Kardara and Mr. Dimitriou Bika as a new members of the Board of Directors - during the Board Meetings 6278 dated 01.07.15 and 6378 dated 23.10.15- in replacement of the resigned members Mr. Alexandrou Chlorou, Mr Anastasiou Kardara and Mr George Lazaridi. Also ratified the appointment of Mr . Konstantinos Karoulis (Proxy of the Economic and Social Council) as independent non- executive member of the Board.
The CEO of THPA SA k.Dimitrios Makris raised the question of refugees temporarily staying in the port of Thessaloniki as an “informal structure”.