THE WATER AND SEWERAGE COMPANY OF THESSALONIKI SA announces that on May 11th 2016 on the Greek Central Securities Depository SA (Formerly Thessaloniki Stock Exchange Center), the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders took place, which was attended in person or by proxy 5 shareholders representing 29,394,653 shares, or 80.97% of the paid up share capital and which received following decisions.
1. Approved the Annual Financial Statements of the Company and the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the 15th Fiscal year (01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015).
2. Discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the Certified Auditors from any liability for the actions of the last fiscal year (01.01.2015 to 12.31.2015).
3. Following proposal by the majority shareholder approved the distribution of a first dividend to the shareholders of EUR 0.125 per share and an additional dividend of EUR 0.125 per share for a total distributed as dividend EUR 0.25 per share, which was net of tax 10%, the dividend payable will amount to 0,225 euros. The sum of the dividend will take place on June 23, 2016 and the dividend to beneficiaries will begin on June 29th 2016.
4. Following proposal of the majority shareholder, elected the following members of the Board of Directors
Krestenitis Ioannis, Chairman - Chief Executive Officer
Papaioannou Ioannis, First Vice President, Executive Member
Valani Stella, Second Vice President, Executive Member
Tanimanidi Stefania, Independent Non Executive Member
Antoniadis Ioannis, Independent Non Executive Member
Petrides Eudoxios, Non Executive Member
Latsiou Chrysafi Olympia, Non Executive Member
Tsionas Ioannisa, Non Executive Member
Karachaliou Elefteria, Non Executive Member
Archontopoulos George (Representative of workers), Non-Executive Member
First Deputy, Mavropoulos Dimitrios
Second Deputy, Karampougiouki Eugenia
Sahinidis Anastasios, (Representative of workers) Non-Executive Member
First Deputy, Marioglou Constantine
Second Deputy, Poulimenou Anastasia
5. On proposal by the main shareholder, elected two (2) Independent Non-Executive Members, Mrs Tanimanidou Stefania, Independent Non Executive Member and Antoniadis Ioannis, Independent Non Executive Member.
6. Defined the Audit Committee in accordance with Article 37 of Law. 3693/2008 the members of the Board of the Board of Directors, Tanimanidou Stephanie, Independent Non Executive Member, Antoniadis Ioannis, Independent Non Executive Member and Petrides Eudoxios, Non Executive Member
7. Approved the remunerations and compensations paid to the members of the Board and the secretary for the fiscal year 2015 and on a proposal by the main shareholder preapproved President & CEO remuneration, members and secretary of the Board during the fiscal year 2016 at the 2015 levels.
8. Elected for Audit Company the GRANT THORTON SA, for the regular and fiscal control for the year 2016 and approved their fees.
9. Various announcements took place from the Chairman and the CEO of the Company for the current fiscal year of the Company.