Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Piraeus Port Authority announces that on Friday 1/4/2016, took place in the Athens Plaza hotel the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of PPA S.A.
In the General Meeting were present shareholders representing 19.248.618 shares out of 25.000.000 shares, or percentage 76,99% of issued share capital. The Extraordinay General Meeting after discussion took the following decisions:
- Elected the Board of Directors new members. The new BoD has the following members:
Mr Kouvaris Ioannis , BoD President & CEO, Mr Liagkos Athanasios, Deputy CEO, Mr Kiramargios Stavros, Mr Koilakos Stamatis, Mr Drakontaidis Stavros, Mr Roidis Georgios, Mr Korkidis Vasilios, Mr Arvanitis Nikolaos, Ms Tsalikidou Olimpia, Mr Lagoudakis Ioannis, Mr Georgakopoulos Georgios, Mr Georgiou Nicolaos, Mr Moralis Ioannis.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 19.159.436 (76,64% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 19.159.436 For: 19.026.244 Against: 96.620 Abstention: 36.572 votes
- Approved the Board's proposal on the arrangements framework and outstanding debts settings to the PPA from companies operating in the Ship Repair Zone.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 19.159.436 (76,64% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 19.159.436 For: 19.159.426 Against: 10 Abstention: 0 votes
- Approved the terms for signing long-term lease of the Company's property by the Municipality of Piraeus to housing Elementary School.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 19.159.436 (76,64% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 19.159.436 For: 19.121.135 Against: 38.301 Abstention: 0 votes
- Approved the long-term extensions on concessions agreements for the use of PPA areas.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 19.159.436 (76,64% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 19.159.436 For: 19.036.283 Against: 93.803 Abstention: 29.350 votes