Alpha Asset Management A.Ε.D.Α.Κ. announcement for the completion of the fraction sales procedure due to reverse split



Alpha Asset Management Α.Ε.D.Α.Κ. (the «Company») informs investors that the fraction sales procedure of 183 units of the exchanged traded mutual fund «Alpha ETF FTSE Athex Large Cap Equity Fund» has been completed. The above units refer to the aggregated fractions that are the result of the decrease, due to merger, of the total number of the existing units of the Exchange Traded Mutual Fund «ALPHA ETF FTSE Athex Large Cap EQUITY FUND» (“ETF”), due to the adjustment of the value of “FTSE/Athex Large Cap Index”, from 6,030,903 to 603,090 dematerialized, registered units by a ratio of one (1) new unit to ten (10) old units.


The net sales amount rises to Euro 14.45 per unit (total sales amount EUR 2,649.03). The unitholders recorded in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) as of June 16, 2016 are the beneficiaries of the above net sales amount (Record date).


As of July 5, 2016, the proceeds will be conveyed to the beneficiaries through Alpha Bank in the following ways:


1. Through the Operators of the Greek Dematerialised Securities System (DSS/SAT), provided they have been authorised by the shareholder to receive such payment.

2. Through the Alpha Bank Branch Network for those shareholders that have not authorised their DSS/SAT Operators to collect the amount, or their shares are held by the Hellenic Central Securities Depository S.A. Shareholders may collect the money from the Alpha Bank Branches by presenting their Identity Card along with a copy of their DSS/SAT record. A payment to a third person will require the presentation of a Letter of Delegation with all the required personal information of both the shareholder and the authorised person (name, surname, Identity Card Number, Tax Registration Number). The Letter of Delegation must have a signature authenticated by a Greek police station or other relevant authority.


For more information, unitholders may contact Alpha Asset Management Α.Ε.D.Α.Κ. (tel. +30 210 326 2948).