Prize awarding ceremony
June 11, 2016
Prize awarding ceremony
On Saturday 11 of June 2016 the Awarding Ceremony of the 7th International Industrial Design Competition of Office and Home Furniture took place, in the industrial area of Serres in the factory of Dromeas. The winners of the night had the honour to get their prizes from the president of the chamber of Commerce in Serres Mr. Christos Meglas, Mr. Dinos Petratos set-designer and painter member of the Committee of the awarding ceremony the Chairman of the company DROMEAS Mr. Athanasios Papapanagiotou.
The participations which were submitted this year were all of them distinguished for their creative originality. The evaluation committee of the competition, consisted by the Organization of Architects, Decorators University and Polytechnics representatives, examined the submitted proposals and chose the following:submittals for the awards :
1st Prize
To Thomas Dalampouras for “Folding space”
Monetary amount 5.000 euro
2nd Prize
To Andrea-Orfea Mako, Michaela Argyriadou and Ioanni Nousi for “ergon”
Monetary amount 2.000 euro
3rd Prize
To Ilia Georgakopoulo for “Polifilon”
Monetary amount 1.000 euro
Praise to Francisco Laroza for «Fram3d»
Praise to Apostolos Tsivolas for «alex» and «dada»
Praise to Dimitrios Louisos and Ioanna-Evaggelia Glykou for «kyma»
The new designers were required to balance between usability, ergonomics and aesthetics and to create proposals which meet the needs of the modern times. As the Chairman and CEO of the Company DROMEAS Mr. Athanasios Papapanagiotou emphasized: “We begun this competition fifteen years ago, so as to begin a discussion with the young people in regards to the industrial design, with the ultimate goal of convincing them to tke it up professionally. We believed and still do that in our country there is the necessary space and also there is a great need for the development of industrial design, not only in furniture but in other products as well. It is one of the main factors of development for a country.”
Prize awarding ceremony