Athens, March 31th, 2016
- Increased after tax profits of 43.7 million euro compared to 42.0 million euro in 2014 - Increase by 4.1%
- Increased net profit margin to 13.5% from 12.9% in 2014
- Continuous decrease of operating expenses before depreciation by 1.7 million euro (-0.7%)
- Increased by 5% proposed dividend of 0.21 euro per share – Dividend yield 4.2%
The fiscal year of 2015 ended with positive results for EYDAP as the Company maintained its profitable growth, whilst supporting households affected by the economic crisis.
Specifically, the turnover of the Company remained basically stable as it was formed to 324.2 m. euro versus 326.4 m. euro in 2014, decreased marginally by 0.7%, absorbing the implementation of the tariff with lower charges for the consumers, within the framework of the Company's social policy and the concession of direct pricing of municipalities along the external water supply system to EYDAP Fixed Assets Company Public Entity.
Operating expenses before depreciation continued their downward trend as a result of the Company's policy to reduce costs. Specifically, they amounted to approximately 236.7 m. euro versus 238.4 m. euro in 2014 (-0.7%).
Company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) decreased by 4.4%, amounting to 83.8 m. euro versus 87.6 m. euro in 2014. The earnings before taxes amounted to 56.3 m. euro compared to 63.5 m. euro in 2014, decreased by 11.3%.
The after tax profits, increased by 4.1% amounting to 43.7 m. euro versus 42.0 m. euro in 2014, due to positive effect of deferred tax by the increase of the tax rate from 26% to 29%. Moreover, the net profit margin increased to 13.5% from 12.9% in 2014.
EYDAP consistent towards its shareholders, with a constant annual dividend distribution, since its listing on the ASE, will propose to the General Shareholders Meeting, by the decision of the Board of Directors, an increased by 5% dividend compared to 2014, equal to 51% of the net profit of 2015, amounting to 22.4 m. euro gross (0.21 euro per share). It is noted that the dividend yield of the Company for 2015 is 4.2% versus 3.2% in 2014 (market price 12/31/2015 and 12/31/2014 respectively).