Presentation of the company's financial results to analysts

The CEO of THPA SA, Mr. Dimitrios Makris briefed on 07/04/2016 financial analysts of the company's 2015 results.

Earnings of THPA SA in 2015, as a percentage of turnover is one of the highest for companies listed on the stock exchange, with gross profit amounting to 47.82% operating profit (EBITDA) to 52.79 % EBT at 48.18 % and profit after tax at 35.21 %.

Revenue per business segment amounted to 31.699.388€ for Container Terminals, corresponding to 62.30 % of turnover, at 17.551.315 € for Conventional cargo terminals, corresponding to 34.50 % of turnover, 291.081 €, for passenger Traffic corresponding to 0.57 % of turnover and 1.339.821€ for the exploitation of spaces corresponding to 2.63 % of turnover.

Containers volume handled in 2015 showed an increase in TEUs. Handling of domestic containers represents the major part of the total traffic. Volumes of transit, from neighboring countries, containers presented the largest increase of about 13.32 % in 2015. Conventional cargo volumes were reduced in 2015, as a result of the reduction in demand for steel products, the suspension of function of a large steelwork inThessalonikiand plummeting international prices of minerals. The reduction is therefore due to the economic cycle of the minerals market and not as a result of the movement of cargo from other ports.

Strong financial position demonstrated by THPA SA, with cash amounting to 66.124.088 € on 31.12.2015 despite the fact that the income tax rate was 29% and the income tax advance 100%. It is noted that over the past three years THPA SA paid dividends amounting to 75.096.000 €. Despite the unfavorable economic environment and the bank holiday imposed on the country on 28.06.2015, the operational and financial activities of the Company, continued without major disruptions, satisfying all its suppliers, maintaining its financial independence, without recourse to borrowing.

The dividend policy of the Company aims at meeting of shareholders along with the creation of reserves to finance its investments. The proposed dividend of profits for 2015 is 0,58 per share.

THPA SA implemented in2015 amajor investment program of 7.169.837€, to modernize equipment and infrastructure for cargo handling and hopes to proceed with an investment program of 15.014.473€  for2016 inorder to be able to expand and continuously improve services to customers