Corporate Announcement

Municipalityof Keratsini- Drapetsonas imposed freezing bank accounts of PPA to recover 6.8 m. Euros for council tax fines and penalties for the years 1995-1999, arbitrarily imposed and calculated, without offering any return service on port land zone of PPA. The port land zone is outside the competence of the Municipality, and the cleaning services and electric lighting in this organized and provided exclusively by the Company. Therefore, there is no real debt as settled and irrevocably has held the Greek Justice with a number of decisions canceling similar charges from the Municipality. Despite this undeniable fact, the municipality abused attempts to unduly collect this amount by performing its individual decision, which did not consider the merits of the case, but resolving procedural issues rejected on formal grounds only relative appeal of PPA against the municipality. Already PPA formally requested full information and data from the municipality for the actions against in order to take all the legal actions for the removal of the obligation.