Announcement of Regulated Information


The Anonymous Company under the trade name “FLEXOPACK ANONYMOUS COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL COMPANY OF PLASTICS” and the distinctive title “FLEXOPACK S.A.” (hereinafter the “Company”), in compliance with the provisions of Law 3556/2007 and the Regulation (ΕΕ) 596/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council as of the 16th April 2014 and following the relevant notification submitted to it, hereby announces that the Anonymous Company under the trade name “TECHNOPLASTIKI REAL ESTATE AND TECHNICAL SOCIETE ANONYME” and the distinctive title “TECHNOPLASTIKI S.A.”, legal entity having narrow connection with persons with managerial responsibilities and in particular Mrs. Stamatina Gkinosati, Mr. Dimitrios Gkinosatis and Mr. Spyridon Gkinosatis (persons subject to notification obligation in accordance with the above provisions) purchased on 12.02.2020, due to over the counter transfer, two hundred thousand (200.000) common, nominal shares of the Company with voting rights for the total price of one million Euro (1.000.000 €).


Koropi, February 17, 2020