Notification of voting rights
Nicosia, 2 October 2020
Notification of voting rights
Cairo Mezz Plc ("Cairo Μezz" or "Company"), which was admitted to trading on September 29, 2020 on the EN.A. PLUS segment of the Alternative Market (“EN.A. PLUS”), notifies that its share capital amounts to €30,909,682.70 divided into 309,096,827 common registered voting shares of a nominal value of €0.10 each.
Furthermore, in accordance with Article 14 of the Alternative Market Rulebook, as in force, the Company received a notification according to which Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited acquired, directly and indirectly, 102,087,906 shares of Cairo Mezz corresponding to 33.02% of the Company's total share capital and voting rights, and, therefore, exceeded the 20% threshold - but not the 33.3% threshold- of voting rights in Cairo Mezz.