Announcement on the reduction of the share capital of the subsidiary EYATH SERVICES S.A. and the expansion of its corporate purpose

In the context of the provisions of article 10 paragraph 1 of Law 3340/2008 and article 2 paragraph 1 and 14 of decision 3/347/12-07-2005 (EC) of the Board of Directors of the Securities and Exchange Commission, EYATH S.A. informs the investment public and its shareholders that the Extraordinary Unsolicited Catholic General Meeting of the subsidiary company EYATH SERVICES S.A., of which the sole Shareholder is EYATH S.A., which holds 100% of its 4,920,000 shares, amounting to two million four hundred and sixty thousand € (2,460,000,00 €), decided on 26/06/2020 the following:

A) the reduction of the share capital of EYATH SERVICES S.A., by the amount of two million € (2,000,000,00 €), for the purpose of covering its losses equally, by cancelling 4,000,000 shares and amending Article 5 of its Statute, as follows :

"The share capital of the Company amounts to four hundred and sixty thousand € (460,000,00 €) and is divided into 920,000 shares, worth fifty cents ( 0.50 € ) each.”


Β) the extension of the corporate purpose of EYATH SERVICES S.A., with the addition of f, which will refer among the company's objectives and the construction and maintenance of water management facilities (dams, water courses, pumping stations, etc.), as well as the management of water resources and the corresponding amendment of Article 4 of its Statute, as follows:

“(f) The construction and maintenance of water management facilities (dams, water courses, pumping stations, etc.) and the management of water resources.”