Announcement of dividend payment of Fiscal Year 2019

Announcement of dividend payment of Fiscal Year 2019

Following the General Shareholders Meeting resolution dated June 10th 2020, the company LOULIS MILLS S.A. announces the distribution of a dividend payment for the fiscal year 2019 amounting to 0.07 euro per share.

The aforementioned dividend amount is subject to a 5% withholding tax and therefore shareholders will receive a net amount of 0.0665 euro per share.

June 12th 2020 is set as the ex-dividend date, while the entitled shareholders are those registered in the Dematerialized Securities System on June 15th 2020 (Record date).

The dividend payment will take place on Friday, June 19th 2020 via ALPHA BANK as follows:

i. via the DSS Operators, for investors who have granted their operators the relevant collection rights.

ii. via deposit to the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), where the investor has declared to receive the distributed amounts, in accordance with Article 13 of the Dematerialized Security System's Operations Regulation and Decision 6 of ATHEXCSD' Board of Directors, as applicable, for investors who do not wish to receive the amounts through their Operators. This concerns only investors who have declared IBAN to the paying bank.

iii. via ALPHA BANK branch network, for any other investor.

The payment of the dividend through ALPHA BANK will be executed through the submission of the Identity Card of the Shareholder, while the payment to a third person can only be done through the presentation of an authorization, which shall include the full details of the Shareholder as well as of the authorized person (full name, father's name, Identity number & taxpayer identification number) and will be certified for the original signature by the Police or another Public Authority.

A year after the payment date, i.e. as of Monday June 21st 2021, payment will be made only at the companyΆs offices at Keratsini Attica (1 Spetson Street-18755).

For more information, Shareholders are requested to contact the CompanyΆs Investor Relations Department, tel. + 30 210 4090165.