Announcement for the distribution of the previous year profits
Iktinos Hellas announces that according the decision of Extraordinary General Meeting of the company's shareholders that was held on 29-1-2020 approved the distribution of the previous year profits of an amount of 0,02 Euros per share. From this amount the attributable tax of 5% is withheld, in accordance with what is provided for in article 24 paragraph 4 of Law 4646/2019, and therefore the total payable amount of dividend per share, will be 0,019 Euros.
The Company holds treasury shares and according to the applicable legislation the dividends that correspond to 489.916 shares the Company holds increase the dividends of the rest of the shares and, therefore, the total gross amount per share will be 0,02 Euros and the net amount will be 0,019 Euros per share.
The distribution will take place on Monday 23-3-2020, and eligible for the dividends (record date) are the shareholders at the end of the trading session of the Athens Stock Exchange on Tuesday 24-3-2020. The date of beginning of payment shall be on Friday 27-3-2020 and the payment shall take place by Piraeus Bank as follows:-
-Through the Operators of the DSS (Dematerialized Securities System), for the investors that have authorized their Operators to collect the amounts.- Through the Network of PIRAEUS Bank branches for the shareholders that have requested exemption from their Operator in the DSS or have their shares in the special account of their Share (Quota). - -By a deposit to the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), where the investors stated that they wish to collect the distributed amounts according to article 13 of the Rules of Procedure of the DSS, and Decision number 6 of the Board of ATHEXCSD, as they apply, for the investors that do not wish to collect them through their Operators. It only regards investors that have stated a ΙΒΑΝ at the paying Bank.
- For those of the shareholders that their crediting through an IBAN is not possible, it will be possible to collect the dividends through the Network of the branches of PIRAEUS Bank, by presenting their identity card and by submitting a printout of their DSS details or the amount can be collected by legally authorized persons by submitting an authorization with an authenticated signature of the recipient Shareholder