PPA continues the development of Perama Ship Repair Zone

During last four years, Piraeus Port Authority S.A. is punctually investing in the ship repair infrastructure with prime aim to develop the industry's competitiveness in Perama ship repair zone, as a matter of priority of the port's development plan. From 2016, a series of investments and achievements have been materialized.

PPA S.A invested four million Euros in order to restore the operation capabilities of two existing floating docks which had been partially suspended their operations and caused ceaseless decreasing of competitive power.

Continuously, one more floating dock named “Piraeus III” with 80,000 tons capacity was invested through international public tender and brought into production, which has served 80 ships till now. The new floating dock secured the ability to dock for repair the large local coastal ferries and Panamax ship which in the past had to go to the shipyards in Turkey or other countries.

Furthermore, PPA S.A managed to recover the healthy and safe environment in Perama ship repair zone through upgrading the security facilities and disposing hazardous chemicals which was accumulated over many years.

The accomplished investment in first stage, over 32 million euros, had contributed valuable & countable result in local ship repair industry. The annual docked ships increased from 69 of year 2016 to 108 of 2019 by 56% and the berthed for repairs ships increased to 292 from 233, by 25%. In 2020, having the COVID19 as main challenging factor, the ship repair business volume is estimated to keep increase, docked ships will increase up to 130, nearly double from 2016. Based to the above, PPA is glad to verify the ship repair business recovery signal. The ship repair works are all provided by the local private ship repair companies and workshops with high quality.

Recently, PPA S.A had published a new project tender with budget of over twenty million Euros, aimed to further upgrade the infrastructure and electromechanical installations to enhance the facilities productivity and eliminate the shortage of power and water supply in berthing slots of Ship Repair Zone. Correspondingly, all the previous and ongoing development achieved by PPA, will maintain the direct contribution to the local entities for increase business and to the further creation of new job positions locally.

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. will consistently endeavour to cooperate with Stakeholders (business associations, workers Unions and all relevant institutions and persons) for the revival of Ship repair industry in Piraeus port with ultimate goal Piraeus to become gradually one of the main centers in Mediterranean area in the Ship Repair industry.