Decisions of the 1st Repetitive General Meeting
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Press Release
Decisions of the 1st Repetitive General Meeting
05 June 2020 - HELLENIC EXCHANGES-ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE S.A. announces that on Friday 5 June 2020 at 18:00, the 1st Repetitive General Meeting of shareholders of the Company was held remotely, via teleconference. Shareholders representing 25,782,942 common registered shares and voting rights, i.e. 42.7% of the 60,348,000 total common registered shares participated.
At the General Meeting shareholders discussed and approved (For: 25,782,892 shares; Against: 0; Abstain: 50 shares) the reduction of the share capital by the amount of €5,431,320 through a reduction in the par value of each share by €0.09 and payment of this amount to shareholders. Furthermore, shareholders decided to modify article 5 of the Articles of Association of the Company concerning the share capital, incorporate the modification in the Articles of Association and submit it, in accordance with the law, to the competent authority.
In addition, the General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to set the ex-date for the right to the share capital return of the Company, the record date for determining the beneficiaries and the payment date for the share capital return, and to take the necessary actions in order to obtain the required permissions from the authorities and in general to act as necessary in order to pay the amount resulting from the share capital reduction to the shareholders of the Company.