Constitution of the B.o.D into Body
The Board of Directors of TERNA ENERGY FINANCE S.A, following the election by the Shareholders' Extraordinary General Assembly held on 20 January 2020, of Mr. Georgios Kouvaris, as independent non-executive member of the BoD, who fulfills the conditions of independence as provided for by the provisions of article 4 of Law 3016/2002, was constituted into Body at its meeting held today as follows:
1. Vasileios Delikaterinis Executive Member, Chairman,
2. Dimitra Chatziarseniou Non-executive Member, Vice-Chairman,
3. Aristotelis Spiliotis Executive Member, Managing Director
4. Georgios Mergos Independent non-executive member,
5. Georgios Kouvaris Independent non-executive member.
The term of the BoD ends on 30/6/2022 and at the latest on the date by which the Ordinary General Assembly must convene during 2022.