Resolution for the sale of own shares

The company under the commercial name “LAMDA Development – Holding and Real Estate Societe Anonyme” (the “Company”) hereby announces, pursuant to the provisions of the Athens Exchange Rulebook and Regulation (EU) 596/2014, respectively as in force, that on 18.10.2019, the Board of Directors of the Company resolved the sale of the total number of remaining own shares held by the Company, to the company under the commercial name “ORYMIL S.A.” (hereinafter “ORYMIL”).

More precisely, the Board of Directors of the Company, following a process for the expression of interest and submission of tenders for the achievement of the best possible private placement of 546.167 own shares (corresponding to approximately 0,685% of the total shares and voting right in the Company, hereinafter the “Own Shares”), conducted by the investment services company under the commercial name “AXIA Ventures Group Ltd” (hereinafter “AXIA”), resolved the sale to ORYMIL, highest bidding company the total number of Own Shares, after the completion of the aforementioned process on 16.10.2019.

As regards the price of the transaction, it is resolved that the amount should be fixed to 7,27 euros per share, in reference to the result of the aforementioned process.

Finally, it is noted that, considering the declared shareholding connection of Mr. Odysseus Kyriakopoulos, independent non-executive member of the Board of Directors of the Company, with ORYMIL, this transaction is related to the scope of articles 99 seq. of Greek law 4548/2018. Therefore, it has been deemed appropriate this transaction be put to the attention of the independent audit company “Deloitte Auditors Company Societe Anonyme”. Consequently, said audit company, via the auditor -accountant Mr. Dimitrios Koutsos-Koutsopoulos, has drafted the “Evaluation Report, pursuant to the provisions of L. 4548/2018 (Ar.101), on whether the sale of package of own shares (percentage of 0,685%) of LAMDA Development S.A. (LAMDA) to ORYMIL S.A. (ORYMIL) is fair and reasonable for Lamda and its shareholders that do not constitute related parties”.

The Company shall inform the investors upon further announcement on the implementation of the intended transaction above, following the completion of the process provided in articles 99 seq. of Greek law 4548/2018.