Announcement of ex-dividend date/payment date for dividend of 2019 (Correct Repetition)

The Anonymous Company under the trade name ‘FLEXOPACK SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY' and the distinctive title “FLEXOPACK S.A.” (hereinafter the “Company”) announces that, according to article of the Athens Exchange Rulebook, the annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders, which convened on the 26th  of June 2020, approved the distribution of dividend coming up to 740.705,52 (gross amount)  Euro, i.e. standing at 0,0632 Euro per share of the Company (gross amount), which is subject to a 5% withholding tax, in accordance with articles 40 par. 1 and 64 par. 1 of L. 4172/2013, as in force after its amendment by L. 4646/2019. Therefore, the remaining cash distribution will come up to 0,06004 Euro per share.

 The ex–dividend date is Monday, July 13, 2020.It is clarified that pursuant to the Athens Exchange Rulebook, the Company actions are conducted based on the term “record date”. Consequently, eligible for the dividend will be the stockholders who will be registered on the Decentralized Securities System (DSS) of the relevant date (record date).

Therefore, eligible for the dividend are the registered  on DSS stockholders on the record date, i.e. on  Tuesday July 14th 2020.

 The payment of the dividend will be begin on Monday, the 20th of July 2020 and will take place via the paying bank “NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A.” as follows:

 1. Through the operators of the Greek Dematerialized Securities System, for those shareholders who have granted authorization for the dividend collection to their operators, in accordance with par. of the Athens Exchange Rulebook and article 39 of the DSS Regulation.  

 2. Through the branches of the paying bank “NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A.”   for those shareholders who have neither granted nor recalled the relevant authorization for the dividend collection to their operators, pursuant to the specific provisions of SAT Regulation, or keep their shares in the special account of the investor share.

 3. By deposit in the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) declared by the shareholder in order to receive the distributed amounts in accordance with article 13 of the DSS Regulation and the decision number 6 of the Board of Directors of the ATHEXCDS as in force, for the Shareholders who do not wish to receive it via the operators. This option is only applicable to the investors who have indicated IBAN to the paying bank, i.e. the “NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A.”

 Collection of the dividend by the entitled shareholders for the above option under 2, is realized upon notification of the Securities Account Number of the Investor and the submission of the Identity Card, either in person or by a lawfully authorized representative through any branch of the above bank (in this case the respective authorization shall be provided with verification of the signature of the beneficiary).

 For additional information, the shareholders are kindly requested to contact the Shareholders Services Department of the Company (tel.: 210-6680000).

 Additionally, the contact details of the paying bank “NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A.”  are the following:  Division of Financial and Investment Operations Support – Department of Issuers and Special Operations Support, , 68 Akadimias Street, Athens 10678, 2nd floor, tel.: 210-3328292, 210-9477759, 210-3328747, S. Vrussopoulos, X. Dhmakopoulou D. Koulopoulos.

 The dividends that are not collected by 31st of December 2025 are written off in favor of the Greek State according to article 1 of c.l. 1195/1942.


Koropi, the 9th of July 2020

The Board of Directors