Financial Results for the Year 2019 - Return to Profitability
Financial Results for the Year 2019 Unibios Holdings
Return to Profitability
Financial Results for the Year 2019 Unibios Holdings
Return to Profitability
UNIBIOS SA Holdings announced the financial results for the fiscal year 2019 based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
- During the fiscal year 2019, the consolidated sales of UNIBIOS Group increased by 4%, ie from € 8,026 thousand to € 8,340 thousand. This increase is mainly attributed to the continued increase in sales of the water treatment sector, ie sales of the Watera International Group.
- The total gross profit of Unibios Group increased by 12.8% compared to those of the previous year and amounted to € 3,437 thousand, compared to € 3,047 thousand, while the gross profit margin increasied by 3.2 percentage points.
- The total results before taxes (EBT) of the Group in the fiscal year 2019, amounted to profits of € 305 thousand against losses of € 270 thousand during the previous fiscal year, improved by € 575 thousand.
- It is important and noteworthy that for the first time since the beginning of the ten-year economic crisis, the UNIBIOS Group presents an overall profitable result after taxes (PAT). In particular, in 2019, the company's net profits after taxes amounted to € 100 thousand compared to losses of € 393 thousand during the previous year.
- Finally, the total EBITDA of the Group in 2019, amounted to € 1,140 thousand compared to € 508 thousand during the previous year, an increase of 124%.