In the context of the correct and timely information of the investment public and in accordance with articles 4.1.2 and of the Regulation of the Athens Stock Exchange, the Company LOULIS MILLS S.A. announces the Financial Calendar of 2020, which is as follows:
Friday 15/05/2020:
Announcement and Publication of the Annual Financial Statements and the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements of the period from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 by IFRS on the websites of the Company ( ) and the Athens Stock Exchange ( ).
Wednesday 10/06/2020:
Annual Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders.
The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual Ordinary General Assembly the payment of a dividend for the fiscal year 2019.
Friday 12/06/2020:
Ex-dividend date.
Monday 15/06/2020:
Dividend Beneficiaries-Record date.
Friday 19/06/2020:
Dividend payment.
Dividend distribution is subject to the approval of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders.
The company LOULIS MILLS SA reserves the right to change the above, after informing the investing public in time with a new announcement.