Return of the excess tax amount withheld during the distribution of the Interim Dividend for the Year 2019
Return to the shareholders of the excess tax amount withheld during the distribution of the Interim Dividend for the Year 2019
ADMIE HOLDING S.A. (hereinafter "the Company") informs investors that pursuant to section 24 of Law 4646/2019, which amends Articles 40 and 64 of Law 4172/2013, the withholding tax rate was reduced to 5% from 10% which was the rate that was applicable when paying the Company's interim dividend for 2019.
Therefore, the Company announces the return of the 5% withholding tax difference. The total amount of tax paid to the beneficiaries of the distribution of the interim dividend for 2019 is 289,767.43 euro or 0.003 euro per share.
It is reminded that the beneficiaries were the registered shareholders in the electronic files of the Dematerialized Securities System (S.A.T.) on Monday, August 5th , 2019 (record date) for ADMIE HOLDING S.A. , while the payment of the 2019 financial year was made by the bank, NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, on Friday, August 9th , 2019.
The amount of Euro 0.003 per share corresponds to the additional tax withheld during the distribution of the Company's interim dividend for 2019 (ie 5% against Euro 0.06 which was the gross amount of the provisional dividend per share) and will be paid to the eligible shareholders through bank account transfer from - NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE - on Tuesday 12th May 2020 in the following ways:
1. Through the D.S.S. (Dematerialized Securities System) operators, for those shareholders who have authorized their Operators the collection of monetary distributions .
2. By depositing in the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), where the beneficiary shareholder has stated that he wishes to collect the distributed amounts in accordance with article 13 of the D.S.S. Operation Regulation and the no. 6 decision of the Board of Directors of ATHEXCSD, as applicable, to eligible shareholders who do not wish to collect the excess tax amount withheld through their Operators. It concerns only eligible shareholders who have declared IBAN of the National Bank of Greece.
3. Through the Network of stores of the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE for those of the shareholders who have requested the exemption of their D.S.S operator or have their shares in the special account of their share.
The investors may collect the additional tax withheld by the disclosure of the DSS details and with a demonstration of the Identification Card, either in person or through a legally authorized representative (in which case they should also be presented relevant authorization documents bearing the authenticity of the signature of the respective proprietor).
It is specified that the relevant collection will be possible for a period of five years in accordance with the relevant provisions, however after this five-year period the relevant amounts will be transferred to the Greek State, of article 1 of Law 1195/1942.
Dividends that will not be collected within five years are barred. The relevant amounts are permanently transferred to the Greek State, according to article 1 of n.d. 1195/1942.For more information please contact Investor Relations office, of ADMIE HOLDINGS S.A., (email: tel. 210-3636936, 210-9466953).