Announcement of significant developments

The company under the corporate name “LAMDA Development – Holding and Real Estate Societe Anonyme” (the “Company”) announces, pursuant to the provisions of the Athens Exchange Rulebook and Regulation 596/2014, respectively as in force, that on October 21, 2019 the Board of Directors of the Company (the “BoD”) was informed on the resignation of Messers. Eftichios Vassilakis and Odyssefs Kyriakopoulos from their office as members of the Audit Committee of the Company. By virtue of the same BoD decision, the members of the BoD suggested that at the forthcoming Shareholders General Assembly, the termination of the capacity of the said persons as independent non-executive members of the Board is announced, upon and under completion of the transfer, a) as for Mr. Vassilakis, of 1.319.840 treasury shares, to the company under the name “Aegean Airlines S.A”, in which Mr. Eftichios Vassilakis is Chairman of the Board of Directors, executive member and major shareholder (holding 36.68%), as well as significant management executive, and b) as for Mr. Odyssefs Kyriakopoulos, 546.167 treasury shares to the company under the name “ORYMIL S.A.”, due to the declared shareholding relationship of Mr. Kyriakopoulos.

The Company undertakes to duly inform its Shareholders and the public, as per the provisions of the law, for the convention of an extraordinary Shareholders General Meeting the soonest.