Announcement of Resolutions on the Extraordinary General Meeting

Announcement of Resolutions on the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company “E. PAIRIS S.A.” with

Business Registry N. 121724607000, dated October 29th, 2020



The company under the name “E. PAIRIS S.A.” (ISIN code: GRS275073005) [Hereinafter the “Company”], informs the investors that on 29.10.2020 and at 11:00 a.m. (GMT +03:00) took place the Extraordinary General Meeting of its shareholders. At the General Meeting, 6 shareholders representing 2.838.710 shares and voting rights were present or represented, corresponding to a 57,10 % of the share capital and the Company's voting rights, and therefore the lawful quorum and then majority for the discussion and the adoption of a resolution on the items on the agenda was accomplished.


On the above General Meeting the shareholders discussed and decided upon the following:


On the 1st item on the Agenda


The shareholders decided the amendment of the terms of the Common Bond Loan Secured In Rem and dated 08.04.2020 [the “Program”], regarding the in rem securities provided to the banks and specifically amendment of the written prenotations on the Company's real estate property and the registered pledge on the machinery on the Company's real estate property.


The shareholders also decided to authorize the Board of Directors for the finalization of the exact content of the amendment of these terms, the signing of the amended act of the Program with the contracting banks and its codification.


In addition, the shareholders decided to provide the Board of Directors of the Company with a wide authorization to amend, herein, in its own discretion and to the Company's best interest, as the company's competent body, the terms of the Program.




In detail the voting was held as following:


Votes in favor: 2.838.710, which represent the 57,10 % of the total shares and votes, and the 100 % of the present/represented shares.


Votes against: 0.


Abstain: 0.


On the 2nd item on the Agenda


There were no other items or announcements to the General Meeting.


Aspropirgos, 29.10.2020

The Board of Directors