Εlection of new Chairman and Reconstitution of PPA BoD
PPA S.A. announces:
Α. The, pursuant to the provisions of article 7 par. 6 of the Articles of Association of the Company as in force, election for the remaining term of the Board of Mr. YU ZengGang as new member of the BoD (following the resignation of ex Chairman Mr. WAN Min and the subsequent BoD reconstitution, according to which the executive member and PPA SA CEO Mr. FU Chengqiu has been assigned with the duties of Chairman of the BoD).
Β. The election of Mr. YU Zeng Gang as Chairman of the BoD and new executive member of the BoD.
C. The due to the above election reconstitution of PPA SA BoD, since June 5th 2019, as below:
1. Mr. YU ZengGang, Chairman of the BoD, Executive Member,
2. Mr. FU Chengqiu, CEO, Executive Member,
3. Mr. ZHU Jianhui, Non-Executive Member,
4. Mr. YE Weilong, Non-Executive Member,
5. Mr. FENG Boming, Non-Executive Member,
6. Mr. KWONG Che Keung Gordon, Independent Non-Executive Member,
7. Mr. IP Sing Chi, Independent Non-Executive Member,
8. Mr. LIAGKOS Athanasios, Non-Executive Member,
9. Mr. ARVANITIS Νikolaos, Independent Non-Executive Member,
10. Mr. KARAMANEAS Charalampis, Non-Executive Member,
11. Mr. MORALIS Ioannis, Non-Executive Member.
D. The submission of the above election for approval to the next General Assembly of Shareholders of PPA S.A.