Dividend for fiscal year 2018
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Dividend for fiscal year 2018
30 May 2019 - HELLENIC EXCHANGES-ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE S.A. announces that, in accordance with paragraph of the Rulebook of Athens Exchange, by decision of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of 30 May 2019, the dividend for fiscal year 2018 is €0.05 per share.
The abovementioned gross dividend amount is subject to a 10% withholding tax (€0.005 per share, in accordance with the provisions of article 65 of Law 4603/2019), and therefore shareholders will receive a net amount of €0.045 per share.
Based on the record date rule, shareholders registered in the Dematerialized Securities System on Thursday 6 June 2019 (ex-date Wednesday 5 June 2019, before the start of trading), are entitled to receive the dividend.
The dividend will be paid on 12 June 2019 by the BANK of PIRAEUS as follows:
- Through the DSS operators, to investors that have authorized their operators to collect.
- By deposit at their International Bank Account Number (IBAN), at which the investor has declared that he wishes to collect cash distributions in accordance with article 13 of the Regulation on the operation of the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS), and decision number 6 of the ATHEXCSD BoD, as in force, for those investors that do not wish to collect them through their operators. This only concerns investors that have declared a Bank of Piraeus IBAN.
- Starting on 18 June 2019 through the branch network of the BANK OF PIRAEUS for all other investors. In order to collect the dividend from the branch network of the Bank, investors must provide valid ID and the DSS account information. Payment to a third party can only take place if there is an authorization stating the full personal information of both the beneficiary as well as the person being authorized, and notarized by a public authority.
Collection of the dividend in case (iii) above is possible through Piraeus Bank until 31.12.2024 (i.e. until it is written-off), and takes place only with the presentation of valid ID and DSS account information, either in person or by a legally authorized representative.
For more information, investors can contact the Investor Relations Department of the Company (tel. +30-210 3366616).