Extraordinary General Meeting Resolutions

It is announced that shareholders, holders of 20.176.075 shares out of a total of 28,580,100 shares, representing 70,595 % of the share capital, were present or represented at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the company's shareholders which was held on 9 November 2018, at the company's seat (7, Lykovrisseos str., Metamorfosi Attica, 144 52) at 12.00 p.m. The resolutions that were passed are the following:

Item 1st: Approval of the Purchase of Company Own Shares through the Stock Exchange, in accordance with the provisions of par. 1 and 2 of article 16 of C.L. 2190/1920, on the following more specific terms and conditions:

·    Duration for which the approval is granted: 12 months

·    Maximum limit of share price at which the acquisition can take place: € 12,00

·    Minimum limit of share price at which the acquisition can take place: € 2,00

·    Maximum number of shares that can be acquired: Up to 1/10 of the paid-up share capital (of the total number of shares).


The company has already purchased 117.479 shares pursuant to the previous resolutions. Any more specific issues that are not stipulated in the General Meeting resolution (such as, indicatively, the establishment of a procedure and manner of acquisition of own shares, the definition of a time and manner of redisposition (sellback) of treasury shares to Company shareholders, etc.) shall be determined by decisions of the Company's Board of Directors, in compliance with the provisions of the relevant legislation in any case. (For the proposal: 99,98 % - Against 0,02%)