Split announcement
The company GREEK MARBLE INDUSTRY TECHNICAL AND TOURIST COMPANY IKTINOS HELLAS SOCIETE ANONYME, informs investors that at the annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 26.6.209 resolved the reduction of the nominal value of the share from forty cents (€0.40) to ten cents (€0.10), while simultaneously increasing the total number of shares from 28,580,100 to 114,320,400 ordinary registered shares (split) and the issuance of 85,740,300 new shares.
The 85.740.300 shares will be distributed free of charge to the shareholders of the company corresponding (an additional three (3) new shares will be issued for each one (1) old share) to four (4) ordinary registered shares in exchange for each (1) old registered share. Following the above change, the Company's share capital remains in the amount of Euros 11,432,040 divided into 114,320,400 ordinary registered voting shares with a nominal value of Euros 0.10 .
On 26.06.2019, the application for the registration of the decision of the BofD Amending Article 5 of the Articles of Association was registered at the General Commercial Register (GEMI) under Registration Code Number 1586784 and under reference number 77773/ 24.7.2019 the decision of the Directorate of Companies, Supervisory Department of Listed SA and Sports SA of the Ministry of Finance and Development was published, approving the amendment of article 5 of the Articles of Association of the Company.
The Athens Stock Exchange Corporate Actions Committee, at its meeting on 31-7-2019, approved the listing for trading of the new shares of the Company that arise in accordance with the above.
Following the Company's decision, the following are determined:
a) The date of termination of the right to participate in the split of shares is determined on 5-8-2019.
From the same date, the Company's shares will be traded on the Athens Exchange at the new nominal value, namely, Euro 0.10 per share, without the right to participate in such distribution of free shares, and the starting price of the shares of Company on the Athens Exchange will be formed in accordance with the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation in conjunction with the decision 26 of the Board of Directors of the Athens Exchange, as in force.
b) Beneficiaries of the above corporate deed are the Company's shareholders who will be registered in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) records on 6-8-2019.
The commencement of trading of the new shares on the Athens Stock Exchange on 8-8-2019. From the same date, the above shares will be credited to the investor shares and securities accounts of the shareholders at DSS.
For further information, the shareholders may kindly contact the Company's Shareholders Service Department (tel. +30 210-2826825).