Decisions of Extraordinary General Meeting held on 08.03.2019


Decisions of Extraordinary General Meeting held on 08.03.2019


Ιn accordance with paragraph of the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation, we inform the investment public of the following:

The First Repeat Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of J&P-AVAX SA was scheduled for Friday, March 08, 2019 at 13:00 at the Company headquarters, located at16 Amarousiou-Halandriou StreetinMarousi,Greeceto discuss the following agenda:


  1. Change of corporate name and amendment of article 1 of the Corporate Charter
  2. Election of new Board of Directors
  3. Adjustment of company share capital because the share capital increase decided by the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders on 03.09.2018 did not materialise. Amendment of article 5 of the Corporate Charter.
  4. Increase of the share capital of the Company up to the amount of twenty million euro (€20,000,000.00) through a cash issue offering rights of participation to all its shareholders, at an issue price of €0.30 per share for a total of 66,666,666 new common registered shares. Amendment of article 5 of the Corporate Charter.


Participation to the General Meeting amounted to zero shares or 0.000% of the Company's total shares. Therefore, the General Meeting lacked the required quorum, both for allowing shareholders who registered their intention to participate in the meeting after the 20.02.2019 record date, and proceeding to discussion and vote on the items in the agenda.


According to the initial invitation to shareholders, in the event of failure to reach quorum in the first repeat assembly, a Second Repeat General Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 13:00 at the Company Headquarters with the same agenda. It should be noted that no invitation to shareholders for the repeat general meeting will be published, according to article 130, paragraph 2 of Law 4548/2018 and its amendments.

Marousi, March 08, 2019