Issuance of common bond loans with total nominal value amounting to 11.000.000 Euro

The management of the Anonymous Company under the trade name ‘FLEXOPACK SOCIETE ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company'), following the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting as of the 6th December 2018 of the shareholders, as well as the relevant adopted resolutions by the Board of Directors pursuant to authorization, hereby announces the following:

a) on 21st December 2018 was signed the Bond Coverage Contract via private placement pursuant to the provisions of Law 3156/2003 and Codified Law 2190/1920 as currently in force, of total nominal value 6.000.000 Euro with bond holder the Anonymous Banking Company under the trade name ‘NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A.' also designated as payment agent and representative of the bondholders. This non secured bond loan will be used by the Company on the one hand in order to refinance existing lending and in particular the Bond Loan amounting to 2.500.000 Euro issued by the Company and short term lending amounting in particular to 1.500.000 Euro, and on the other in order to cover general entrepreneurship objectives, and

b) on 24th December 2018 was signed the Bond Coverage Contract via private placement pursuant to the provisions of Law 3156/2003 and Codified Law 2190/1920 as currently in force, of total nominal value 5.000.000 Euro with bond holder the Anonymous Banking Company under the trade name ‘EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS' also designated as payment agent and representative of the bondholders. This non secured bond loan will be used by the Company on the one hand in order to refinance existing lending and in particular payment of Bond Loan issued by the Company with balance 2.250.000 Euro and short term lending amounting to 1.000.000 Euro, and on the other at the amount of 1.750.000 Euro for working capital coverage.


Koropi, 27th December 2018