Election of Vice-Chairman - BoD constitution into a body

Kifissia, 11 September 2019


AEGEAN AIRLINES S.A. (“the Company”) hereby announces that during the meeting of its BoD dated August 30, 2019 and in accordance with article 8 of its Articles of Association, the Board unanimously elected Mr. Panagiotis Laskaridis, non-executive Director, to serve as Vice-Chairman B. Mr. Anastasios David will serve as Vice-Chairman A, effective the date of the relevant resolution.

Hence, the BoD is comprised of 11 members with 2 members holding the role of Vice Chairman as follows:

  1. Eftichios Vassilakis – Chairman, Executive Director
  2. Anastasios David – Vice-Chairman A, Non-executive Director
  3. Panagiotis Laskaridis –Vice-Chairman Β, Non-executive Director
  4. Dimitrios Gerogiannis – CEO, Executive Director
  5. Achilleas Constantakopoulos - Non-executive Director
  6. Christos Ioannou - Non-executive Director
  7. Konstantinos Kalamatas – Independent Non-executive Director
  8. Alexandros Makridis - Independent Non-executive Director
  9. Nikolaos Nanopoulos - Non-executive Director
  10. Victor Pisante -– Independent Non-executive Director
  11. George Vassilakis – Non-executive Director.


Election of Vice-Chairman ? BoD constitution into a body