Replacement of B.o.D. member
TENERGY ENERGY FINANCE S.A.. informs the Investors that the Board of Directors of the Company, during its meeting on August 2, 2018 elected, pursuant to Codified Law 2190/20 and the provisions of the Articles of Association, Mr. Georgios Mergos, Economist, as new independent non-executive member of the B.o.D., replacing Mr. Aggelos Tagmatarhis, and for the remaining of his term, which is until 30 June 2022.
The election of Mr. Mergos will be announced at the next Shareholders General Assembly.
Following this, the Board of Directors now consists of the following persons:
1. Vassilios Delikaterinis , executive member, Chairman
2. Dimitra Chatziarseniou, non executive member, Vice Chairman
3. Aristotelis Spiliotis, executive member, Chief Executive Officer
4. Konstantinos Baslis, independent non executive member
5. Georgios Mergos, independent non executive member
Mr. Mergos, who demonstrably has adequate knowledge of accounting and auditing, replaces Mr. Tagmatarhis at his duties as a member of the Audit Committee which now consists of the following persons:
- Georgios Mergos
- Konstantinos Baslis
- Dimitra Chatziarseniou