Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders


The Anonymous Company (Societe Anonyme)  under the corporate name «FLEXOPACK ANONYMOUS COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY» and distinctive (commercial)  title «FLEXOPACK S.A.» (hereinafter referred to for brevity reasons as the «Company»), announces that on Thursday the 6th of December 2018 at 15:00, at the registered offices of the Company (Koropi Attica, thesi Tzima, 37  Ifaistou  street), the Extraordinary General Meeting of its shareholders was held, which attended in person or by proxy shareholders representing 9.610.101  common registered shares and equal in number voting rights, i.e. percentage 82,00 % out of total 11.720.024 shares and of equal in number voting rights of the Company.


The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company adopted the following resolutions on the sole item of the daily agenda, as that resolution is presented based on the voting results, pursuant to those provided in article 10 of Law 3884/2010, which have been also posted at the website of the Company (www.flexopack.com).


On the sole item of the daily agenda the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders decided unanimously the issuance by the Company in accordance with the provisions of Codified Law 2190/1920 and Law 3156/2003 as currently in force, one or more Common Bonded Loans up to eleven million Euro (11.000.000) in overall, with private placement. The intended purpose of the Common Bonded Loans to be concluded is the following:

(a) the amount of 7.250.000 Euro will be used in order to pay off current bank loans and (b) the amount of 3.750.000 Euro will be used towards facilitation of the corporate objectives and plans of the Company in overall.

At the same time, with the same as above unanimous  resolution, the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company, provided the Board of Directors with the explicit and specific mandate and authorization to determine the terms and conditions of the said Loans (as per the provision of par. 3 article 1 of Law 3156/2003), to draft and sign the relevant contracts and the overall documentation, as well as to proceed with all necessary actions, statements and transactions as deemed deliberate, necessary, appropriate and advisable to the due and proper implementation and completion of the said procedure within the aforementioned legal framework.

Number of shares for which votes were valid: 9.610.101

Percentage of share capital: 82,00 %

Total number of valid votes: 9.610.101

Number of votes in favor: 9.610.101

Number of votes against: 0

Number of abstentions (Present): 0


Koropi, 6th of December 2018

On behalf of «FLEXOPACK S.A.»