Replacement of member of the Board of Directors


Replacement of member of the Board of Directors


The Anonymous Company under the trade name ‘FLEXOPACK SOCIETE ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY' and the commercial (distinctive) title «FLEXOPACK S.A.» (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company') announces to the investors  in accordance with the  Regulation of the Athens Stock Exchange Market, the provisions of Law 3016/2002, article  2 par. 2 section e of the Decision issued by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission number 3/347/12.07.2005 and the article 17 par. 1 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council number 596/2014 as of April 16 2014, that the Company's  Board of Directors  during the meeting held on June 21 2018, elected Mrs Aliki Mpenroumpi,  daughter of Sam Samuel as Independent Non Executive Board member in replacement, for the rest of his term, of the resigned Independent Non Executive Member Mr. Ioannis Papamichalis son of Efstratios.

The election of the aforementioned Member of the Board of Directors will be announced in line with the provision of Law during the next Ordinary  General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company.

Following the above, the Board of Directors of the Company reconvened into body for the rest of its term, namely until the 30.06.2022, as follows:   

1) Georgios Gkinosatis son of Spyridon, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer (executive member).

2) Stamatios Gkinosatis son of Spyridon, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and  Deputy Chief Executive Officer (executive member).  

3) Asimina Gkinosati daughter of Dimitrios, Member of the Board of Directos (executive member)

4) Stamatina Gkinosati daughter of Georgios, Member of the Board of Directos (executive member). 

5) Dimitrios Gkisonatis son of Stamatios, Member of the Board of Directos  (non executive member)

6) Spyridon Gkinosatis son of Stamatios, Member of the Board of Directos  (non executive member)

7) Nikolaos Vlachos son of Matthaios, Member of the Board of Directos  (non executive member)

8) Nikolaos Regkos son of Eleftherios, Member of the Board of Directos  (independent non executive member)


9) Aliki Mpenroumpi, Member of the Board of Directos (independent non executive member)

Koropi, June 22 2018