Announcement - Replacement of Hellenic Financial Stability Fund’s representative in accordance with the provisions of law 3864/2010

Monday, July 15, 2019




Replacement of Hellenic Financial Stability Fund's representative in accordance with the provisions of law 3864/2010

Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (Bank or Eurobank) announces that Ms. Aikaterini Beritsi, representative of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) in the Board of Directors (BoD) of the Bank, submitted her resignation from the Bank's BoD, effective on 15.07.2019.


Moreover the HFSF, by its letter dated 15.07.2019 to the Bank, requested, in replacement of Ms. Aikaterini Beritsi, Mr. Konstantinos Angelopoulos (currently HFSF's Observer to the Bank's BoD) to be temporarily appointed as the new representative of the HFSF to the Bank's BoD, according to the provisions of L.3864/2010 and the Relationship Framework Agreement signed between Eurobank and HFSF.


Eurobank's Management would like to thank Ms. Aikaterini Beritsi for her contribution to Eurobank Group and informs that the BoD of Eurobank shall integrate the new representative of the HFSF into the BoD as a non-executive member in the immediate coming period.