Notification for change in the composition of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee
"ADMIE (IPTO) HOLDING S.A." (or “Company”) hereby announces the following: The Board of Directors on September 13th appointed as a member Mr. Alexandros Nikolouzos, lawyer at Supreme Court, in replacement of the departing Ioannis Margaris, who relinquished his position as Vice Chairman and member of the Board in order to assume executive duties in the newly established subsidiary of IPTO S.A. "ARIADNE Interconnection". New Vice Chairman for the Company becomes Mrs. Eleni Zarikou, also with executive capacity.
The composition of the new Board of Directors is the following:
1. Iason Rousopoulos, Chairman,
2. Eleni Zarikou Vice-Chairman, Executive Director,
3. Alexandros Nikolouzos, Non-Executive Director,
4. Constantinos Karakatsanis, Independent Non-Executive Member Director,
5. Evangelos Darousos, Independent Non-Executive Member Director.
As a reminder, Mr. Rousopoulos has waived any remuneration related to participating at the Company¶s Board meetings.
Furthermore, the Board of Directors approved the replacement of the Independent Non-Executive Member, Ms. Eleni Zarikou, by Mr. Alexandros Nikolouzos. Mr. Nikolouzos fulfills statutory requirements and has sufficient knowledge in the Company¶s operating environment.
The Board¶s approval is aligned with article 4 of Law 3016/2002 and article 44 of Law 4449/2017.
The election of Eleni Zarikou as a member of the Audit Committee and its Chairman will be submitted for approval to the next Ordinary or Extraordinary Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company¶s shareholders.
As a result, the following members comprise the Audit Committee:
1.Evaggelos Darousos,
2. Alexandros Nikolouzos,
3. Constantinos Karakatsanis,
Mr. Evaggelos Darousos remains Chairman in the Audit Committee.
Athens, October 3rd, 2018