Announcement of financial results for the period 1 / 1-30 / 9/2018

IKTINOS HELLAS S.A. would like to inform the investment public for the continuous upward course during the nine months of the year 2018, in relation to the corresponding nine months of the year 2017.

  • Sales growth of 30.6% (€ 42.4 million vs. € 32.4 million)
  • Profit before tax increased by 33.9% (€ 16.5 million from € 12.3 million)
  • Increase in profit before interest and depreciation (EBITDA) increased by 31.55% (€ 18.33 million Euro vs € 13.93 million)

On the consolidated basis the nine months of the year 2018, in relation to the corresponding nine months of the year 2017 presented:

  • Sales growth of 35% (€ 47.9 million vs. € 35.5 million)
  • Profit before tax increased by 41.64% (€ 17.2 million from € 12.1 million)
  • Increase in profit before interest and depreciation (EBITDA) increased by 34.5% (€ 20.2 million Euro vs € 15 million)