Decision of the Shareholders' Extraordinary General Assembly held on May 10, 2019
Today, the 10th day of May 2019, TERNA ENERGY FINANCE S.A. held an Extraordinary General Assembly, in which the sole shareholder TERNA ENERGY SA participated legally and the following decision was made:
The General Assembly elected a new Audit Committee, consisting of Mr. Nikolaos Kalamaras, who is not a member of the BoD and fulfills the provisions of independence of L.3016/2002, in the position of the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Georgios Mergos, independent non-executive member and Mrs. Chatziarseniou Dimitra, Vice-Chairperson of the BoD and executive member, as members of the Committee. The above composition of the Audit Committee fulfills the requirements of Law 4449/2017, fulfills the condition of independence in accordance with Law 3016/2002 and its Chairman has sufficient knowledge of auditing and accounting.