Presentation of the PPA S.A. Corporate Responsibility Report 2018

            Presentation of the PPA S.A. Corporate Responsibility Report 2018

PPA S.A. presented on Monday, June 24th 2019, the Corporate Responsibility Report 2018 at the headquarters of the company, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Economy & Development Mr. Stergios Pitsiorlas, Mrs. Athina Glyka-Charvalakou, Piraeus Deputy Mayor for Economics, Mr. Ioannis Delatolas, Key Account Manager, Listings Division of the Athens Exchange Group and Mr. Nikos Avlonas, President of the Centre for Sustainability & Excellence (CSE) & Vice President of the Corporate Responsibility Institute.

The Corporate Responsibility Report of PPA S.A. presents in detail all the responsible actions and policies that the company implements, as well as its positive impact on the wider society, the environment, the local and national economy, adopting the most modern and strict standards of transparency in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility.

The socio - economic footprint of PPA S.A. for 2018, based on the company's data, international models and statistical sources, is estimated as follows:

-   In total, the financial added value of PPA S.A. corresponds to 0.4% of the GDP. More  specifically, € 18.3 million were paid in taxes and € 14.3 million in income taxes.

-    € 49 million were spent totally in 1.272 local and national suppliers.

-    € 426 thousand were invested in Corporate Responsibility initiatives.

-  The operation of PPA S.A. has created 1016 direct jobs, 1903 indirect jobs and 1190 induced jobs. Respectively, over € 4.2 million were invested to ensure the health and safety of the employees.

-  € 1.800.000 were invested in services aiming to protect the natural environment and reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions by 11% through the installation of a Photovoltaic System, which corresponds to a reduction of 600tn CO2.

As the CEO of PPA S.A. Captain Fu Chengqiu stated: "PPA S.A. is fully aware of its responsibility in social, cultural and environmental matters and through its operations and business decisions, respects, protects and promotes the concept of Corporate Responsibility".