Publication of the tenders for the Crete-Attica electrical interconnection
The company “ADMIE (IPTO) HOLDING S.A.” (or “Company”), informs that “Ariadne Interconnection”, the special purpose company of its affiliate IPTO S.A. published today the tenders for the Crete-Attica High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electrical interconnection, a project with a total budget of 915 million euros, due to be commissioned during 2022.
The tender for the cable parts (budgeted at 600 million euros) includes the design, procurement and installation of two underwater cable systems (east and west circuit, 2 x 500 MW), the underground cable parts and the optical fibers. The structure of the tenders is consistent with the best practices followed for projects of such a magnitude internationally, with a view to secure the optimal financial and technical terms for each part. The deadline for the submission of offers expires on July 8th.
The tender for the Converter Stations DC/AC (budgeted at 315 million euros) includes the design, procurement and installation of two Converter Stations and of one GIS Substation. The deadline for the submission of offers expires on July 22nd.
Athens, Μay 24th, 2019