Information in relation to the implementation of Article 29 of Law 4569/2018


Kifissia, 8 April 2019


AEGEAN AIRLINES S.A. hereby informs its shareholders that following the Announcement of Hellenic Central Securities Depository (ATHEXCSD) dated April 3rd, 2019 in accordance with the provisions of article 29 (paragraphs 7,8,9) of Law 4569/2018, and in order to avoid the forced sale of their shares in the Company, shareholders who are included in the Table disclosed by Athens Exchange Group on March 22, 2019 (Table of forced sales assignment for freely transferable positions not transferred from special account to Members), will need to transfer their portfolios immediately and in any case before April 10, 2019 from the Special Account to an Operator Account of their choice. Relevant information is available on the Athens Exchange Group website (