Announcement of General Meeting

It is announced that at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the company's shareholders that was held on 25-9-2018, at the company's head office (7, Lykovrysseos street, Metamorfosi, Attica, Postal Code 144 52), at 12:00, shareholders were present or represented, that held 21.566.641 shares of a total of 28.580.100 shares, which correspond to 75,46 % of the share capital.  The decisions taken are the following:  




1. Regarding the first issue, approved the distribution of the previous year profits of an amount of 0,15 Euros per share. From this amount the attributable tax of 15% is withheld, in accordance with what is provided for in article 44 paragraph 4 of Law 4389/2016, and therefore the total payable amount of dividend per share, will be  0,1275  Euros.
The Company holds treasury shares and according to the applicable legislation the dividends that correspond to 113.979  shares the Company holds increase the dividends of the rest of the shares and, therefore, the total gross amount per share will be 0,149401792  Euros and the net amount will be 0,126991523 Euros per share.

The distribution will take place on Monday 1-10-2018, and eligible for the dividends (record date) are the shareholders at the end of the trading session of the Athens Stock Exchange on Tuesday 2-10-2018 . The date of beginning of payment shall be on Friday 5-10-2018 and the payment shall take place by Piraeus Bank as follows:- 


-Through the Operators of the DSS (Dematerialized Securities System), for the investors that have authorized their Operators to collect the amounts.- Through the Network of PIRAEUS Bank branches for the shareholders that have requested exemption from their Operator in the DSS or have their shares in the special account of their Share (Quota).  - -By a deposit to the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), where the investors stated that they wish to collect the distributed amounts according to article 13 of the Rules of Procedure of the DSS, and Decision number 6 of the Board of ATHEXCSD, as they apply, for the investors that do not wish to collect them through their Operators. It only regards investors that have stated an ΙΒΑΝ at the paying Bank.

- For those of the shareholders that their crediting through an IBAN is not possible, it will be possible to collect the dividends through the Network of the branches of PIRAEUS Bank, by presenting their identity card and by submitting a printout of their DSS details or the amount can be collected by legally authorized persons by submitting an authorization with an authenticated signature of the recipient Shareholder. (For the proposal: 99,98 % of the present shareholders - Against 0,02%)


2. The company is developing its dynamics both in the production of blocks and in the processing and trade of semi-finished and finished marbles. Its aim is to increase the blocks from the new quarries, in addition to the existing ones, as well as increase of the production process in cutting and processing. Thus, in 2018 IKTINOS HELLAS SA proceeded to the following actions:

·          In order to increase the production of the blocks and in addition to the existed quarries (total 7) in Eastern Macedonia, the company added a new one, PYRGON quarry, which has been renounced recently and which has been in operation since the beginning of August.
·          At the beginning of 2019 another quarry will operate in the Peloponnese region, with a delay of several years due to bureaucracy. It should be noted that many of the types of marble are unique in color and quality and famous in foreign markets.
 The company's special research department is investigating other marble deposits to evaluate and integrate them into the production process.
·          Regarding of cutting and processing, the company also acquired a new factory in the industrial area of ​​Drama, 35,000 m2 and 7,000 m2 of building. The company will proceed to the 3.000m2 building extension and to the installation of new modern automated mechanical equipment.
 This plant is already operating with old facilities and its full operation will begin in the first quarter of 2019. The delay is due to the bureaucratic licensing process, which has been completed recently.
 The results of the first half of the year 2018 have been published online on 12-9-2018, showing a 47.85% increase in six-month turnover from € 19.28 million to € 28.51 million.
 The delayed integration of the new plant into the production process by approximately 6-9 months due to the bureaucratic delays as mentioned above, does not contribute to the projected increase in turnover from the factory by € 5 million, so the total projected turnover in 2018 will reach approximately € 60 million, an annual increase of 30% with relevant profitability.