Announcement For participation on the Annual General Meeting of the Company's Assembly ("Assembly")

The annual Assembly of Mermeren Kombinat AD Prilep will be held on 18 April 2011 (Monday) at 17:00, in the headquarters of the company str. Krusevski Pat bb in Prilep, with the following AGENDA
A: Procedural part
1. Election of the President of the Assembly;
2. Verification of the list of registered shareholders and revealing of the quorum for work;
3. Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting of the General Assembly of the Company;
4. Election of a minute keeper; and
5. Election of votes counter.
B: Working part
1. Financial statements and independent auditor's report for the year 2010; and - Draft-Decision on adoption of the Report;
2. Annual accounts of the Company for the period 01 January - 31 December 2010; and - Draft-Decision on adoption of the Annual accounts;
3. Report of the activities of the Board of Directors of the Company for the year 2010; and - Draft-Decision on adoption of the Report;
4. Draft-Decision on appropriation and allocation of the profit of the Company for the year 2010;
5. Draft-Decision on amount of dividend per ordinary share and dividend payout calendar; and
6. Draft-Decision on appointing auditor's company for the annual accounts of the Company for the year 2011.
The shareholders are invited to register their participation at the Assembly.
Each shareholder who intends to participate in the Assembly is obliged to register the participation (registration form for participation at the General Meeting of the Assembly) up to the beginning of the convened General Assembly.
Registration should be submitted to the Company - Legal Department.
The Assembly shall make decisions only about items properly stated in the Agenda, in accordance with the Company's Statute and the Law of trade companies.
The voting under items of the agenda shall be carried out in accordance with the Statute and the Law of Trade Companies.
Each shareholder may, by written authorization, authorize its proxy, for which he/she is obliged to notify the Company in written or by electronic means. The information on the manner of sending the notifications on proxies appointed and the forms for voting through a proxy are available at the web site of the Company
Pursuant to the Law on trade companies, the shareholders, who on individual or group basis, hold at least 5% of the total number of voting shares, shall have the right to submit a proposal for supplements to the Agenda and decisions under the items of the Agenda.
The shareholders may submit proposals for adding additional items on the Agenda, draft-decision and questions, not later than 04 April 2011 until 16:00. More details on the procedure for submission of proposals and questions are available on the web site of the Company
The supporting materials for the General Meeting of the Company's Assembly and the additional information, in accordance with the Law on Trade Companies, are available to the shareholders starting from the date of publishing of this Announcement, each working day in the Company's headquarters, Legal department and on the web site of the Company General Executive Manager
The holders of Hellenic Certificates (hereinafter the "ELPIS") wishing to give instructions to the Issuer of the ELPIS (Piraeus Bank SA) in relation to the exercise of voting rights in the aforementioned General Assembly, pursuant to Article 59 of Law 2396/96 and clause 3.3 of the Greek Certificate Agreement, should provide such instructions in writing and also block their ELPIS, in whole or in part, via their Securities Account Operator in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) and receive there from the relevant certificate, which they shall submit to Piraeus Bank SA along with their written instructions in relation to the exercise of voting rights in the aforementioned General Assembly. The aforementioned documents must be submitted to the Securities & Custody Services Department of Funds Transfer and Central Operations Division of Piraeus Bank SA (142 Sygrou Avenue, 176 71 Athens, Greece) no later than 17:00 of 15 April 2011. In case that no Securities Account Operator has been appointed and the shares are in the special account, the certificate attesting ELPIS blocking shall be issued by HELEX.