DROMEAS SA, announces that according to the law 3556/2007(section 3, paragraph 1 (ιστ), (ββ) and section 21),to the decision 1/434/03/07/2007 of the Capital Market Commission and to the law 3340/2005, section 13. 1. Mr. Ioannis Papapanagiotou, an important shareholder of DROMEAS S.A, has sold on 10/06/2010 1.000.000 common shares, of total nominal value € 339.000, via a settlement order otc transaction. As a result, the total amount of his shares and the corresponding rights of votes has been altered from 9.962.540 (percentage 28.694 %) to 8.962.540 (percentage 25.813 %), 2. Mr Athanassios Papapanagjotou, Chairman of the B.o.D. and Managing Director, purchased on 10/06/10 the above 1.000.000 common shares of total nominal value € 340.490, via a settlement order otc transaction. As a result, the total amount of his shares and his corresponding rights of votes has been altered from 15.179.900 (percentage 43,721 %) to 16.179.900 (percentage 46,60 %).