Showroom acquisition in Sofia Bulgaria

Dromeas BG, the daughter company of Dromeas SA (100%), moved forward with the acquisition of a privately owned showroom in a central part of Sofia (Avenue Bulgaria).
The agreement of the purchase, that was closed a month ago, was finalized on 17/04/2010, and has to do with the acquisition of a 700 sq.m space, and the renting of an additional 434 sq.m, for the development of a showroom in a very central area of the Bulgarian capital.
The investment that will reach 2 mil. € will be realized by the daughter company in Bulgaria, Dromeas BG.
The showroom is in a prominent position, as it is situated on the ground floor of the " 3TOPS" building complex that is developed by the TERNA group in the heart of the Bulgarian capital.
With the above mentioned purchase group Dromeas is ready to face the continuing increase of demands in the market, in a European capital just 220 km. away from its premises.