Tax audit conclusion for fiscal years 2007, 2008 and 2009
JUMBO S.A., in accordance with article of the ATHEX regulation, informs the investment community that the tax audit for fiscal years 01.07.2006-30.06.2007, 01.07.2007-30.06.2008 and 01.07.2008-30.06.2009 has been concluded on 27.01.2010.
The accounting books have been found accurate and sufficient and no informalities or omissions affecting the accounts' validity have been identified.
The tax audit resulted to incremental taxes, penalties and pre paid taxes for the last financial year amounting 580.623,00 Euro (471.865,00 Euro were incremental taxes and penalties and 108.758,00 Euro pre-paid taxes).
The abovementioned amount will not burden the results of the current fiscal year (July 2009-June 2010) since appropriate provisions have been made on the previous financial years 2007,2008 and 2009.
The abovementioned amount has been paid to the Greek state.
The accounting books have been found accurate and sufficient and no informalities or omissions affecting the accounts' validity have been identified.
The tax audit resulted to incremental taxes, penalties and pre paid taxes for the last financial year amounting 580.623,00 Euro (471.865,00 Euro were incremental taxes and penalties and 108.758,00 Euro pre-paid taxes).
The abovementioned amount will not burden the results of the current fiscal year (July 2009-June 2010) since appropriate provisions have been made on the previous financial years 2007,2008 and 2009.
The abovementioned amount has been paid to the Greek state.