The company "PAPAPANAGIOTOU SA " DROMEAS" ΑΡΜΑΕ 11045/06/Β/86/10 invites it shareholders in its tactical General Assembly.
According to the law and the memorandum of association, the Board of Councils of the company "PAPAPANAGIOTOU SA " DROMEAS" decided on 07/05/2010 to invite the company's shareholders to the tactical General Assembly on 04/06/2010, at 12 p.m. in companys offices, Industrial Area of Serres, Lefkonas, post code 65121, in order to discuss and decide on the following matters:
1. Submission and approval of the annual financial statements of the fiscal period 1.1-31.12.2009, following the reports of the internal audit and the Board of Councils.
2. Suspension from any duty for compensation for the transactions of the fiscal period 1.1-31.12.2009 for the internal audit and the Board of Councils..
3. Internal Audit election for the fiscal year 1.1-31.12.2010.
4. Approval for the compensation of Board of Councils for the fiscal year 1.1-31.12.2009.
5. Pre Approval for the compensation of Board of Compensation fir the fiscal year 1.1-31.12.2010.
6. The issuance of simple bond loans, (for one or for more), of a total amount up to 10 million euros and provide authority to the Board of Directors to determine more special terms for the conclusion of the relevant agreements.
7. Amendment of the Statute so that the Board of Directors can provide guaranties or loans to subsidiary companies.
8. Special information for the purchase of an estate in Sofia - Bulgaria
9. Announcements other matters.
The shareholders, wishing to participate in the tactical General Assembly, have to bind through the system of immaterial value a part or all their shares and receive a confirmation form concerning the binding. The confirmation form has to be submitted to the company's offices at least 5 days before the date of General Assembly. In case the shares are in a special account and no administrator has been assigned, the confirmation form is licensed by the Central Security Depository (110, Athens Avenue, Athens).